Hi there everyone sorry its been a little while since my last post but over the last week I have officially moved to university and become what is known as a 'Fresher' here in England. Therefore we now have 'Freshers Week' to attend before we begin slogging our way to a degree, this is usually a time for icebreakers and nights out to get to know your flatmates and friends from your course.
Now I am going to be totally honest with you in this post and say that I an really not enjoying Freshers, my university instead of having one week has two weeks and in my opinion that is way to long, it also feels even longer as my uni has no activities going on in the day. Also if your some one like me you may find it difficult, as I really dislike alcohol and tend not to drink, which for some reason is what Freshers week is all about. Therefore I have decided to give you a few tips to surviving freshers week, also so I can rant a little, it has to be said somewhere!!
Guide to Freshers Week!
1. Set out your room the way you like it. Dorms and halls are possibly the most uncharacterised places I have ever been, therefore it is necessary to have a lot of bright colours and the things that will make you feel the most comfortable (also you spend a lot of time there).
2.Talk to your family and friends, try phoning or going on Skype, I have had a really tough first week and its really helped to keep talking to people I trust and love, it makes you feel less alone in a strange environment.
3.Go out of your room, I haven't felt like leaving it ever but if you don't it'll just make homesickness worse, go for a walk round the new area you are in, go and sit in a local coffee shop with a book or people watch to kill some time.
4.Say yes- even if you don't want to do it, just commit to a small part of it, e.g. going to fresher events but going home at 12.00am instead of some ridiculous hour etc.
Keep it Peachy! XoXo
p.s. just to say this is my opinion of freshers but many many people will disagree, so you have to make your own mind up!